Box Digital Storytelling, Synopsis
I read chapter 9. In this chapter the author writes about the individual work of three directors George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and James Cameron and explains how their work was so successful. He also writes that all three directors played a huge role in bringing the use of VFX and storytelling together. When Lucas created the first Star Wars film in 1977 VFX was a dying breed but with just 8 million he was able to make film that would do great in the box office. Then with this success other directors started using VFX in movies much more than they were before. The author. then explains how David Cameron is opposite to Lucas and using a high budget to focus on VFX and using Romance as his main genre, which was his selling point. However, the chapter focuses mainly on Spielberg’s work, explaining how VFX played a large role in the success of his films and getting the narrative across to the audience. Spielberg was one of the earliest directors to go back to his previous work and make changes using VFX. Spielberg’s main go to setting is human vs non-human therefore VFX is relied on in most of his later work. The film looks deep into the effects DVFX had on his films. The main films listed are Jurassic park where the use of VFX was on full body shots of the dinosaurs. The Author references Jaws, E.T., Schindlers list, A.I and close Encounters of the third kind. He explains how VFX influence these films and how it helped mould the narrative.
McStay (2017) Comments a question that is commonly asked when it comes to the use of online media is does everyone care about their online data? No one ever reads the terms and conditions set to us. If online services where such an issue, why does everyone use programmes like Google and Facebook? McStay (2017) researched this information about the publics views towards privacy and surveillance from 2013 to 2015. The information that we collected stated that the advertising industry, NGOs and academia are worried about the safety of personal data.
McStay, A. (2017) Privacy and the Media. London: SAGE
I read an article about how King Kong (1933) was a symbol of racism back in the 1930's. He compares the movie to how white people went over to America and captured slaves. As when Jack captures Kong he goes to his island capture him, chains him up, brings him back on a boat and tries to exploit him as a business. Just like slaves all them years ago. King Kong was a success due to the fact audiences around the world could feel sympathy for the gorilla as he represented the racial fears towards black people.
To help the argument that King Kong was a film debating racism in Germany the film was titled as King Kong und weisse frau which translates to King Kong and the white women. The film was a massive success in South Africa even spawning a Musical of the film. once the musical was released in 1960 the Racial views had shifted from 1930 and instead of having Kong an anti Hero he was now the Hero of the story. Showing a shift in racial views through the years. The writer goes on to explain that in the 1933 film the black native islanders are used mainly as props at the start of the film, However in the 1976 film the natives play a role of a side kick to Kong putting them in a much higher role for the film. The islanders views of Kong seem to change in the film. in the 1976 film the islanders seem to not have much views on Kong but in the second one they almost see him as a god, there is a sense of pride shown from the islanders. This is a huge step from how Kong was originally seen like in the film 40 years before hand.
In the 1976 film Kong's sexual presence towards Dwan is much greater. Showing the film makers have tired to focus more on he emotions of Kong. To try and get him to become a relatable character. Dwan even tries to project Kong at the end of the film showing affection for the giant ape.
The 2005 made by Peter Jackson didn't stir up the same controversy as the original ones. As the racial slurs are greatly removed. For example the natives are not longer black men but more zombie like figures. Also Peter Jackson casts a black shipmen who has a large amount of authority. There is even a Asian ship mate on board the ship. The 1933 and 1976 versions show signs of the era that they where produced. Reflecting of all the racial and gender issues however the Kong in the 2005 version is stripped of all these qualities and ends up being a giant ape that has gone berserk. This Kong is refence to more of a domestic pet then a massive beast. The sexual tension between the ape and his white companion are minimized.
Frazier, V (2007) College language association.
The three King Kong films Synopsis
In 1933 Merian Cooper and Emest Schoedack created a unique film that changed cinema forever. Kong was created with stop motion animation by Willis O'brein and audiences where astonished at the time.
Than in 1976 John Guillermin took a different approach and instead of the stop motion they stuck a guy in a suit and placed him on top of the world trade centre. However lets say it defiantly did not work as well as the original. Then thirty years later Hollywood took another swing and it worked this time. Then Peter Jackson created a film that is based on the original but instead of stop motion there was a great use of CGI. Which really brought the character alive. In the original and Peter Jacksons masterpiece are both set during the great depression.
In the 1976 the director wanted a big budget film so we ended up with Kong destroying the streets of New York. This is what got the film ending in failure. Trying to update the adventure destroyed the magic of the first film. The plot of the film was also a bit dumb as the police force struggled to take out a giant ape. Because the first and third film followed the same plot but the second film tried to change the plot. For example the 1976 film instead of going to Skull island like the first film to find a beast. our protagonist goes there to find oil.
Brooks. M (2015) Mana pop