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Major Project

mech 2.jpg
mech 4.jpg
mech 5.png
mech 1.jpg
mech 5.jpg
mech 3.jpg

Reference Images

mech 6.jfif

I liked all of the mechs shown in the images above. I used these concept designs and took inspiration from each of the designs to add into my own. 


Early concept 

refrence 1.JPG
refrence 2.JPG

This is an early concept that I made of the mech. The mech will be on tank treads and will have a chunky top with 2 mini guns attached t the sides. The mech might not look exactly like this in the final model. I looked at multiple Source images and ended up coming up with this. For the first concept.

Shot 2 concept

shot example.JPG

In shot two there will be  museum on the side of the road with a dinosaur statue out the front, this will allow me to show of my sculpting skills as well as my modelling hard surface characters. This shot will consist of mainly 3D assets. The museum will be based of the American museum of natural history  


First Pre - Vis

This is the first pre vis for the project. It is very early and very simple. However, it gives us a good idea of what we want to work towards. The idea is that the pre vis never really changes and you placed developed models into it through the project. However our project changed a lot through out. 

Further mech development


Colour Pallet

colour pallet.JPG

I didn't really like the early concept that I made for the mech and wanted to change it. I first began by collecting a bunch more reference images. These images (The ones above this text)  ended up being the ones which is looked at the most for inspiration. My first change from the early concept was to get rid of the tank treads, this was due to the mech looking like a toy and not very scary at all. To change this I want to look at mechs with big powerful legs. Issue was though I didn't make an early concept models for this mech. I basically just modelled it based of the multiple images. 

Mech Workflow and developemnt

Legs and Torso

I began creating the torso. Each piece is made up of many different models slotted together to create one big piece. I created these legs from multiple concept images. 

Head and Mini Gun

I created the top next. I wanted a sleek design that look good with a pair of eyes that glow. The top body is made up off three different models connected into one. I also created the mini gun. This was made up of 7 different models. The aim of this was to create the mechs primary weaponry.

Rail gun

I next created the Rail gun. This was made out of 9 different models. This is the heavy weaponry for the mech.

Full Mesh

This is the final mesh for the mech. I really like the design of it. It looks sleek but also big and intimidating which is what I was going for. The only area that I think is weak is the legs look very thin. This was changed in a little update that I did for the mech.

First textures

mech textured.jpg

This is an early texture I made for the mech. I wade it a dark colour to make it look frightening. However, My tutors advised me to make it lighter as black can sometimes get lost in the background. I also added little rust spots and damage to show wear and tear.

Final Mesh and Textures


The mech is the Hero assets of the project which meant i had to put a lot of work into the design of it. The images above show the development of the mech from start to finish. Each area of the mech is inspired from different images. The feet where a design I found online and i created my own version from this image. The rest of the mech is all inspired from the refrence images above.


My thought process whilst making it was to create a mech that would be menacing. I wanted it to have personality. This is where the eyes came in. I loved the idea of showing emotion and anger through its eyes, In most of the shots that we had the eyes help shape the scene. The meh also has no arms due to animation not being my strong point, instead I gave the mech two massive guns. The guns are never used but gives the viewer he understanding of how powerful the mech is.


When creating the mech I used plenty of different cubes. The feet themselves contain 7 different models. It took me around a month to fully develop and create the mech, This was due to the design changing or different designs not looking right. In the end it created a design that I enjoyed. It looked scary and menacing but also practical at the same time. None of the designs I looked at had spotlights on the top and I thought it would be a good addition. As the mech was a police mech the spotlights would help the mech spot its victim, it also helps light up the scene.     

Mech Rig

Full Joints and IK
Foot and Toe Rig
Torso Rig
Upper Body and Gun Rigs

Although animation is not my strong point i still wanted to rig the mech as it then gives me and Ryan alot of free space to work with. we can move and pose the mech in any position we wanted. The rig was very simple due to the simplicity of the mech itself. Luckily i did not need to skin the mech which also helped with time management.

I began with the legs by creating the skeleton joints through out the leg, the first joint began at the hip then a joint at the top of the leg, one through the hip, one down to the ankle, one down to the foot and final one in each toe. In the toes I added ik handles which i parented to a cube nerb. This will be explained to why I did this later on. I next added Ik handles between the foot and ankle which was a single side ik handle. I then added a 2 rotation ik handles between the ankle and the hip. This gave great control throughout the legs. I then parented the ik handles to a square nerb. This the where the ik in the toes come into play, when i lift the leg the toes move down as a secondary movement. added weight to them. The top was much simpler. I didn't add any joints to it, I used Nurbs and parented each them to one of the two guns and the also the mech body to make it easier to rotate. This then allowed Me to animate the mech in the different shots.

Second Pre - Vis

It is very important to keep on creating new and updated pre vis shot 


Finished Mesh
museum 3.jpg

I created the base mesh of the museum based on the American natural history. The overall mesh is made up of a lot different models. with each side of the building being a different mesh. The first image I copied and pasted. The windows however are made up of cubes that I extruded inwards to create a window. Next I used a cylinder to create a pillar which I duplicated and placed on the other side. I then used a cylinder that I cut in half and extruded in. I then used a cube which i shape in a elongated shape and used multiple ones of these to line this cylinder to create a decoration around the edge.    

Textured brick
Museuim textured.jpg

I downloaded a brick textured and used substance painter to add dirt and changed the colour of the brick.

Final Model

The project is set mainly within a city environment, this mean that I needed to make building to place within the city. The first building i made was a museum, which is based heavily off the American natural history museum. The original plan was to make this building the main focus of some of the scenes however later on this idea changed due to lack of time and the next building taking the main focus. 

The museum is made of three models that are very similar. I created the front and middle of the building first, i then duplicated this and used the back as the side buildings of the museum. The area that took me the longest is the tiles that decorate the top of the building this was made from a cube that was extruded and duplicated multiple times and layered on one another. This took time as each cube had to be changed so it was different from the other one before it. 

The texturing was very simple. I downloaded a brick texture from online and added dirt and ware to the bricks within substance painter. This building was gonna have a bigger role in the sequence but it ended up being a building to make the city feel full.

Building one design

building 1.jpg
Building Models
building 1.jpg

This is the building as a base mesh. I duplicated all the walls and varied the positions of the air con units. I made block pillars to cover up the edges of the models.  

Building Textures
building 1.jpg
Decoration Texturing
building one.jpg

The building is made up of multiple pieces of the same model. I created one garage door and one set of windows. One air con unit with one windows and wall. I then textured this model and duplicated it multiple times to create one big model. I also created a heavy duty sliding door for the entrance of the building.

I textured the building within substance painter. I added planks of wood to the windows to create a damaged and abandoned look. I added wooden planks and wooden board to vary the windows. 

Signs for building

sign render.jpg
sign  fast food.JPG

Our project is based heavily on the city's found in blade runner and cyberpunk. In these environments they have a lot of signs lighting up the area. So I modelled and textured signs that are in these various films and games. I created five, each sign varies in colour and design.

Final Building
no sign lights.jpg
fully textured.jpg

I then placed 3 of the 5 signs around the building. I also created a fire exit door and a fire exit sign to light up one of the shots we made.

building one with lights.jpg

This is the building that a lot of focus was put onto throughout our final piece. This was due to its simple but good design and multiple light sources coming from the sign which created stunning imagery. I original created one garage door and one window wall, this was very simple and easy to make. I then duplicated this one piece to create the whole building. I did it this way as most buildings have a lot of symmetry throughout and duplicating it was vey quick and effective. Once I had a wall that I believed was long enough I grouped it together and duplicated another face to use as another side of the building. 

I added a fire exit to one of the garage doors, this would add something different to the building and would allow me to put a light above the door which would help light up the scene. I also added decoration the buildings, these decorations where Air con units, power boxes, fire exit stairs and shop signs. All these helped make the building feel full and helped break up any straight edges. Each corner of the building had a pillar to connect both of the walls. 

Five signs where created however only three where used on the building this being the Fast food sign which was used on the right side wall next to the fire exit door. The Noodles sign was then placed on the let side of the wall. Then finally the hotel sign was used at the far end of the left side. These helped light up the city scene and create silhouettes. The signs also light up the mech in the final shot of the sequence. This was important as in a lot of films that are set in dark environments like ours is. An example that our project is based on is The Joker (2019) In this film they used signs to light up the scene. Our project used the same techniques.

Factory building

building 2.jpg
Base Body
building two textured.jpg
building two textured 2.jpg
Building and and two decorations
building 2.2.jpg
Further Building work - Pipes and Air con units
building 2 and 3.jpg
Further Decoration
building 2 nd 3 2.jpg
Cables, Signs and final texturing
building 2.2.jpg
Final Model
building 2.jpg

The plan was to make a standalone building which is the museum and two common buildings that could be duplicated to help provide depth and make the city full. The first building and this one which is meant to act as a factory is the other one that can be duplicated. This building is based of concept work made for the video game Cyber punk. All of the assets in our project was based of assets from this game.

This building however, was very tricky to make. I had to put a lot of work into make sure it looked good. My tutor kept on advising about making sure that there was no straight lines on the building. I broke this up with pipes, air con unites and just random models. This helped me create a full building with lots going on. It took me a long time due to every piece of pipe or air con unit being placed in a way that breaks up the edges. I textured each model in substance painter A lot of the models are the same and where duplicated and moved around so they did not look the same. 

Each floor is made from a cube that has been reshaped by extruding it. I then used the draw a line tool and extruded a cylinder over it to create cable hanging between each building. The buildings have a metal sheet design covering the walls to help provide a industrial feel. I also used mesh lights on the signs above the building to create light up signs. 

Warehouse wake up sequence 

First frame.jpg
Empy frame render.jpg
Wall and Floor
No Models render.jpg
Models - Barrel and crates
No metascan image.jpg
No texture image.jpg
Final scene
warehouse scene.jpg
Early Animation Attempt
warehouse hso straight on.jpg

At first it was difficult to get the right animation. The footages above show the early animations I made for the wake up sequence. They however where never used in the final piece due to me and my and Ryan not liking them that much.

Final Sequence 

This my favourite sequence in the whole thing. It is where the mech wakes up after being asleep and shut down for many years. I used lights and darkness in the room to create a spooky and intense atmosphere. 


I began by creating a little warehouse set. It was a simple room made up of back wall with concrete pillar layered on it to break up the flat wall. I next placed the mech in the middle of the scene, I did this to make sure it was the main asset of the scene. I then made barrel models and crate models to place either side of the mech. This was to fill up the scene even though with the lighting you do not see the crates that much. I then used assets from Metacan which is a site that allows you to download and use high quality models for free. I used cable wheels, Chains and bricks. These again helped fill out the scene. 

Next I needed to bring life to the mech, I did this through lighting and animation. I wanted to create a light show from the mech, I did this by placing 7 small lights in each of the eyes and spotlights. These where then animated in sequences to create a light which moves along the eye. I wanted this to act as a boot up for the mech. A large mesh light was then used to create a flashing warning light as the mech begins to stand up. Because I rigged the mech earlier on I used the rig to make a simple animation when it wakes up. My animation skills are not very good which is why I decided to create the life of the mech through the lights. I believe it worked very well and I am very impressed with the end result. Have a look at the animation below.

Light animations

The camera movements where placed in straiten ways as well. The first shot is high up and shows the mech in a very innocent and sad way. At this moment in time it is useless and not a threat to anyone. However, as the mech turns on the camera position moves lower and lower through out the sequence as the danger from the mech rises.

Walk sequence 

walk background 2.jpg
walk background 2.2.jpg
floor shot.jpg

Using the same assets from the wake up sequence I created the background for a sequence which will show a persons feet walk through the scene. I used some extra Metascans that where not used in the previous show to help fill it out a bit more. The hardest part was the lighting as this is certainly not my strong point and I was advised by my tutor to create silhouettes through the scene. The image above shows my attempt at using multiple colours to break up the scene. This was however later changed to  constant dark lighting. 

Wall and floor
No models image.jpg
Models - Barrel and crates
No metascan.jpg
No texture.jpg
Textures and Lighting
Full scene.jpg

This is the final image that was used for the walk by scene. I began with the wall and floors. I then added the models, then the Metascans and finally the textures and lighting.

Final Footage

This is the final footage of our project. After I had finished the scenes Ryan did the comp and added a lot more to the scenes. I am extremely happy and proud of the final piece. 


Here is my show reel rich breaks downs my final project and shows of some of my previous work.


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